Books & Recommended Reading
While the number of books on death, dying, loss and grief is vast, we do offer the below recommended reading lists. These lists will be updated from time to time, and will reflect the needs of those who are bereaved or grieving other losses.
The field of loss and grief has evolved significantly since the early days of the pioneering work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and her classic text ‘On Death and Dying’ published in the late 1960s. Since then practitioners have come to recognise many types or categories of grief, different ways people process grief, and different causes of grief.
Grief occurs not only from the physical death of a person but from a range of losses such as a diagnosis of illness, a relationship breakdown, migration, or ageing. Grief is a lifelong experience.
Please use these reference lists as a starting point, knowing that they are a symbol in themselves of the fact that grief touches us all, and we each, in our own way, try to make some sense of the losses and the changes they bring.